Lopi 864 Clean Face 31k GS2 – Gas Fireplace
Lopi 864 GS2 Clean Face 31k
The 864 GS2 is a standard with the clean face meaning you can finish this fireplace in a minimal way without the need for grills. The 864 GS2 is perfect for bigger rooms or as a beautiful, decorative fire all year long. It features a wide Mj turn down range for more heat flexibility and flame viewing options.
The 864 GS2 features 864 square inches of viewing area. You have virtually unlimited flame variation with out control comfort switch and the variable flame control. Use all 31Mj’s of flame on the coldest winter nights or turn it down to only 7Mj (NG) or 5.5Mj (LPG) for a romantic firelight on a warmer night. You can enjoy a full flame fire with maximum height or use the variable flame control to turn the flames lower when you want less heat. Use the comfort control switch to turn off the rear burner completely for a darker more romantic fire and less heat.
Mj Input: 31Mj High
7Mj Low NG
5.5Mj Low LPG
Heating Capacity: Up to 125sqm (7.13kw)
Energy Star Rating: 3.5
Burner Type: Dancing-Frye
Green Smart 2
Media type: Standard Log
Remote: GS2 Standard Inclusion
Accent Lighting: Included
Glass Size: 865 W x 570mm H
Min Framing Size: 1086mm W 572mm D 1137mm H
Installation Type: Zero Clearance, Masonry Installation, LPG Conversion Incl.
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